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Add Reviews

4.6 ( 1856 ratings )
Производительность Бизнес
Разработчик Add People Limited

Did you know ? Having 5+ reviews for your business increases the likelihood a potential customer will purchase a product or service by 270%.

How many reviews does your nearest competitor have?

The Add Reviews app is the modern method to make sure youre getting the reviews you need,

Done a good job for someone? Ask for a review!
Another happy purchaser from your store? Ask for a review!

The Add Reviews app allows you to easily ask for reviews from happy customers through SMS or video.

9 in 10 people say theyre highly likely to use a business that responds to their online reviews ... Well the Add Reviews app allows you to manage and reply to your reviews all in one place, sending personalized thank you SMS or video messages...

...Or in the worst-case that someone gives you negative feedback, to have an open and honest conversation, away from the spotlight, to resolve the issue.

Particularly proud of a review? Or received a brilliant video review? "Pin" it to your website for the whole world to see with our easy-to-use website widget.

You probably already know how important it is to get reviews, but more consumers are reading online reviews than ever before. In 2021, 77% of people read them when browsing for local businesses. But are you doing enough to be seen?

The Add Reviews app is created by Add People, the UKs largest digital marketing agency built specifically for small-, and medium-sized businesses.